Here are our music selections divided by genre.
All our songs are registered and copyrighted, patented, and we rent them in various solutions:
for individual use only (wedding videos,etc): € 0,85+€ 0,187 VAT – €1,04
for local radio Broadcast: € 16,50+3,63 VAT – €20,13
for national radio Broadcast: € 85+Vat 18,7 – €103,70
for company industrial,institutional documentaries and web (sites,youtube)-no broadcast: €120+Vat 26,40 – €146,40
for local broadcast (means regions,USA states): splitted in different final use, such as:
advertisement: € 850+Vat 180,70 -web use is included – €1.030,70
for local broadcast (means regions,USA states): splitted in different final use, such as: documentary: €160+Vat 35,20 -web use is included – €195,20
for local broadcast (means regions,USA states): splitted in different final use, such as: movie: € 160+Vat 180,70 -web use is included – €195,20
for national broadcast(means Countries,Nations-for National televisions, cable and satellite televisions,movies in the theatres,etc): splitted in different final use, such as:
advertisement:€ 1600+Vat 352 -for one contry – €1.952,00
for national broadcast(means Countries,Nations-for National tV, Cable and satellite TV, movies in the theatres,etc): advertisment (one more country) – €488,00
for national broadcast(means Countries,Nations-for National tV, Cable and satellite TV, movies in the theatres,etc): documentary €410+Vat 90,20 – €500,20
for national broadcast : (means Countries,Nations-for National tV, Cable and satellite TV, movies in the theatres,etc): movie € 580+Vat 127,60 (web use included) – €707,60
for international broadcast: (for National televisions,cable and satellite televisions, movies in the theatres,WORLDWIDE) :
advertisement €2500+ Vat 550 -for one country – €3.050,00
for international broadcast: (for National televisions,cable and satellite televisions, movies in the theatres,WORLDWIDE) :
advertisement -for each one more country – €488,00
for international broadcast: splitted in different final use (for National televisions,cable and satellite televisions,movies in the theatres,WORLDWIDE) such as:
documentary €580+ Vat 127,60 – €707,60
exclusive use: you will the the only owner of the song (all the possible uses) €8500 + Vat 1870 (the music chosen will be retired by the library) – €10.370,00